Get Prints from Your Digital Files

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We can custom print your digital files on a variety of fine art papers and canvas. We use Epson wide-format pigment ink printers and archival materials so your images will last for more that 100 years if properly displayed. Every print is sprayed with a uv-protective and water-resistant finish which extends print life significantly. Canvas prints are stretched here. We can gallery wrap your canvas prints with normal or wide stretcher bars.  Small image files can be enlarged to prints that are five feet high. 

We're Photoshop experts so many things are possible. And instead of wondering what your work will look like when you order it, you can see actual proofs here at the studio on the paper or canvas you've chosen. Call for more info.


These are prices for ustretched canvas prints. Stretching prices with strainer bars are in the last column.  These prices are for strainer bars. Regular bars that can be tightened are also available. Please inquire. All prints receive three coats of satin, matt or glossy finish.  Wired for hanging. Sleeved. Can be rolled up and sent for stretching anywhere. We ship. Have boxes for shipping stretched prints up to 30x40 inches. 
Please call to discuss your next project and to get a written quote. 

These prices are for prints created from our digital captures of your artwork or files of you own artwork that have been tested before printing. Testing is $20 for the first 15 minutes, then $15 for each additional $15 minutes plus materials. Upload your digital files here


Prices for smooth, textured or watercolor fine art papers are listed below. Image can be smaller that paper size listed. Prices are for outside dimension of paper. You can print your own files. Download your files and add a note regarding what you want. Wehave Arches Aquarelle watercolor paper, Exhibiton hot press natural and brighty paper and Enhanced matt in stock, but any other paper is available next day from NY.  Please call 781-665-1122 if you have any questions. 

These prices are for prints created from our digital captures of your artwork or files of you own artwork that have been tested before printing. Testing is $20 for the first 15 minutes, then $15 for each additional $15 minutes plus materials. Upload your digital files here

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